Thursday, February 11, 2010

Brown Rice Pasta Casserole Thing

Cold days deserve a warm, filling pasta dish. Especially for Jesse because he's out working in the snow!
I had a bunch of vegetables I needed to use up, so I threw them into a casserole. Jesse loved this and so did I. This is something that would be awesome with fake meat. The sauce is awesome! I buy like, 20 jars of it at a time.
Now, brown rice pasta. We love it! It's soft but not mushy and it tastes just like that crap white pasta, but it's good for you!

Once again, I didn't write down what I did, sorry. I know I quartered fresh brussel sprouts, used carrots, a half bag of fresh spinach, yellow onion, garlic and umm...I think that's it. No, I added paprika because I add paprika to everything.
After I cooked everything, I combined it all with the cooked brown rice pasta and the sauce. I spread it into a huge casserole dish and sprinkled a little organic Parmesan to give it a crust. I baked it at 350 until it was warmed and then put it beneath the broiler for a few minutes for the crust effect.
I served it with a green salad and the "Alpha Omega" salad I found at Open Harvest- kamut, cranberries, bell peppers, carrots, red onion, extra virgin olive oil, red wine vinegar.

It was one of those pasta dishes you almost feel guilty for eating because it's so good. It was so tasty.

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